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Cube Berlin : a glimpse of the future


Projects - Cube Berlin : a glimpse of the future

At present, the international real estate company, CA Immo, in Germany’s capital city is working to construct an office building, right in front of Berlin’s main station, that is innovative in every way: the cube berlin. Resembling a gigantic sculpture from the outside, the building provides free space for inspiration on the inside.


In this smart building of the future, intelligent technology will be capable of learning from its users and will adapt to suit their individual requirements. The cube berlin is thus not only set to support new concepts in office work, but will also enable optimised and resource-saving facility management.


Light accompanies us all day


Light plays an equally crucial role in this. Life is unthinkable without light, a fact that also applies to the cube berlin. Dynamic openings in the double facade on every floor provide access to a terrace that runs the breadth of the entire building on each storey. Another real highlight of the building is the roof terrace, which affords a one-of-a-kind view over the whole of Berlin. For the interior space, a decision was made in favour of a smart lighting solution made by the company SOLO Lighting GmbH. The Ger-man luminaire manufacturer is specialised in energy-efficient and intelli-gent lighting systems and completes projects all over the world from con-sulting, planning and manufacturing right up to installation and commis-sioning. SOLO Lighting is therefore fitting the cube berlin with no less than 7,000 luminaires that feature a very special and innovative light control system: Blu2Light made by Vossloh-Schwabe. 

Blu2Light uses light to communicate


The wireless light control system is based on Bluetooth® and facilitates convenient and simple communication via apps on mobile devices such as a smartphone. Components are interconnected via a mesh network in which the individual sensors serve as both transmitters and receivers. Every luminaire with a Blu2Light component also comes with an integrated beacon function that makes it possible to send and receive messages, as a result of which a tracking function can also be provided.


Photographs: CA Immo

Cube Berlin : a glimpse of the future
Cube Berlin : a glimpse of the future
Cube Berlin : a glimpse of the future

Exceedation Sales Projects - Vossloh-Schwabe